Healing Arts Boise LLC

Upledger-Certified CranioSacral Therapy and HeartMath® Certified Coaching 208-781-0452 • dominique.healingartsboise@gmail.com





An integrative approach to help you recover and rejuvenate.


Are you experiencing:

...tightness in your chest or between your shoulders?  

... restless nights or an unhappy gut?  

... a deep fatigue that you can't shake?  


Consider the gentle, therapeutic and restorative qualities of a CranioSacral Therapy session with a touch of HeartMath® coaching  to bring all aspects of you back in harmony. 


Click here to book a session. 


Are you struggling with :

anxiety or headaches? 

whiplash or post-concussion syndrome?

 neck or back pain?

occipital neuralgia or Bell's Palsy?

vertigo or trauma?


Sessions of CranioSacral Therapy have shown to be very effective in reducing or relieving these symptoms.


Click here to book a session. 


Develop greater resilience to stress, anxiety and chronic pain using HeartMath® evidence-based techniques supported by a biofeedback device that tracks your progress.

Find out why local physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, trauma therapists, counselors, naturopaths, nurse practitioners and M.D.s refer their patients to Healing Arts Boise.

Read this client's experience: 

"I began working with Dominique and the Heart Math technique during an incredibly stressful time in our lives, prior to the epidemic. I had begun having what seemed to be heart issues, but a doctor diagnosed it as vagus nerve episodes.  Once I understood that stress was at the center of the problem, I reached out to Dominique, and after several coaching sessions and using the technique daily, I began to notice a shift in my physiology. I began sleeping better and simply felt more grounded and present. Within a few month's time, the symptoms I had been experiencing resolved and this was despite moving through incredibly stressful days. I highly recommend both Dominique as a coach and the Heart Math technique as perhaps one of the most helpful practices I've ever encountered."

"I am awed, inspired and humbled on a daily basis by the body's innate ability to heal and self-correct with just a little encouragement and input. I strive not to "fix" someone but to support them and their body in whatever needs to release and heal. Every session is an improvisation and synthesis of every technique I have learned, melded with the information that I am receiving from the body in that moment.

I approach every session with an open mind and heart, ready to apply whatever techniques are most appropriate for the moment. The session begins with a few minutes of conversation and an assessment to establish your needs. My goal is to work with you so that together we can optimize your level of health, reduce your pain, relax your body, ease your central nervous system, quiet your mind and clear your heart." - Dominique Tardif, LMT 


Idaho License MASG-775

(Upledger CranioSacral Therapy, Barral Visceral & Neural Manipulation, Chikly Heart-Centered therapy)

HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. For all HeartMath trademarks go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks


208-781-0452      dominique.healingartsboise@gmail.com 


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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